Friday, October 26, 2012

The aftermath of a failure

I am nowhere close to being a good chef but normally cooking in our house involves little to no drama.

Until you invite the in-laws over and plan a simple meal.

Then you are just asking for trouble.

Because you end up with:

-- A very painful and sensitive to anything dental filling as soon as the anaesthetic wears off (just when you are cooking)

-- Chicken soup ALL OVER the kitchen

-- Second degree burns caused by the chicken soup explosion of the beloved blender

-- A little nervous breakdown in the middle of the whole fiasco

-- A nagging feeling your guests are eating quietly and pretending to like the food because they are afraid there are knives and other sharp objects near you

So, happy fall to you too!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

On the little joys in life

Here is what makes me happy every day...

... G.'s face in the morning. Some people are not morning people around our house!

... Franz, our little Jack Russel house guest, welcoming me home. Boy, the excitement on his people returning!

... This Salad-To-Go tupperware!

.. The sunsets (Do you like dusk? It is my personal favorite time of the day!

... Green tea. I have become addicted to it, it seems.

... Power walking. Or power talking like they call it here, always done with a partner in crime ;)

... Cupcakes. Full stop.

... And other things. Too many to list all, I reckon.

What makes you happy? 

P.S. I am not yet perfectly awesome but mastering it currently. Stay tuned...