Sunday, January 29, 2012

End of January on the beach!

This is why I love living here, in this tiny spot at the end of the world: because at the end of January it is so hot that the chocolate melts in the car, because you can sit in the sun and feel the incredible warmth touching your skin and because you can take long walks on the beach. Only wearing a cardigan. Oh yeah, life is good.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sorry, I cannot blog anymore - I got a life now!

Just kidding, of course, and no offence meant to any blogger on the Net: I still admire you and your blogs and secretly wish to be like you when I grow up ;)

But it has just become difficult to find the right balance in life so I can actually find the time to sit comfortably with a cuppa and be able to write in peace. Especially now that our little family has grown with a little furry member (our pet dwarf rabbit Buttons, who by the way is growing fast so he won't be a dwarf soon), free time is really scarce. Do not get me wrong - I am loving every minute of it, work and Scouts and home time and all. But I do sometimes miss having too much me-time on my hands!Even as I write this, I am sitting on a window sill in our Scouts headquarters, waiting for Mr G. to finish his Explorer Scouts meeting!

There is one funny thing to mention here. When I first started dating Mr G., I was the Internet and laptop freak. I would get an anxiety attack if being offline for more than 12 hours. He would have a real life and maybe check his Facebook / e-mail once a week, sometimes not even that. He would not think of using Google but would phone and ask his friends / someone who might know. I would be online all the time, even blogging occasionally but with zero interest in page views, average time spent etc. whatsoever.

Nearly a year and a half later, we seem to have swapped roles. While I cook or am busy with my Beaver Scouts or am outside having a real life, he would be blogging and checking the traffic sources and the page views and worrying if his blog didn't get enough hits.

Am I contageous or has someone secretly swapped our minds?