Sunday, December 28, 2008

Miracles happen at Christmas...

I have always been quite skeptic about miracles and whether they happen or not. I suppose I have always believed in them but never said it out loud.

Anyways, this year I wished for snow for Christmas - after living in a warmer climate for some months, snow seemed like a good idea. I kept making jokes about ordering the weather I like and was sure that there would be no snow as it had not snowed much (rather at all) this winter.

So everyone can imagine how amazed I was when it started snowing only 2 hours after I landed in Sofia. Stopped the next day and I said to myself - it will melt by Christmas and it will not be white anymore.

And again - started snowing on Christmas day again! The most peacefully falling, white and beautiful snow!

Miracles do happen... We simply need to believe in them...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,

I swear I was not naughty at all this year. I was actually quite nice!

Oh come on, lets face it - I know you see everyone and have a list (which you check twice) so you probably know how naughty I was... Sorry for lying...

Anyways, remember how last year I asked you for a car? And said I will take care of the drivers license? Well, this year all I ask for is a drivers license (a Spanish one, please). I'll get the car myself...

Also, please tell us where to find the whitest beach ever - our decent men will be waiting there for us...

That is all. And next year I promise I will be nice :)

Thanks, Santa :)

P.S. Please tell the dwarfs they rock ;)