Since this last sentence sounds rather confusing, let me explain. My friend and co-worker Joakim (who btw looks better with shorter hair, no offence mate!) decided that we (my blog and me) deserve to be linked on his blog. And so we are on top, listed first under Friends blogs!!!
It is so very exciting to be famous in Sweden and not only (and a lot of people read Joakim's blog) that I am not speechless. So here is one photo of Joakim at the Xmas Party '09 for an end of this post:
I'm honored Nadia! Thanks for the kind words (except I will have to kill you for the comment on my hair lol) :P
Of course I want to share my fame with the ones I think deserve it, so if you keep it up with the blogs you may stay on my blog :) Else, you will be eliminated, like Anke's link if she doesnt blog until the end of the year lol ;)
Ha! Thats a long time - she hasn't blogged for over a month so I think Im safe! :D
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