Sunday, March 28, 2010

Battery full!

The weekend is now over and for the first time in a while it feels like I have managed to recharge for a busy week ahead.

Now just a few shorties before I go to sleep:

* The summer arrived and as a result I have one red half of my body - tanning/sunburn never seems to be even!

* Farming on Facebook is now apparently a full time job. Took me an hour to accept 1/3 of all the received gifts. Had to expand the farm, sell so many decorations and got bored.

* Season 5 of How I Met Your Mother is brilliant. I just wish my Internet were faster and I could download it all :(

* Moving to Gib in a month. After some drama and us going to real estate hell, we finally have a place in Europlaza to call ours.

* Summer holiday (or at least a part of it) is now fully booked - arriving in Sofia on June 25th and staying till July 6th with a bit of work inbetween!

* I am a proud owner of an iPod touch. My bank account suffers a lil from that - who knew that the iTunes store is sooo addictive for apps!

Now have a good night!

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