Today, a colleague of mine at work went down to the garage for his morning cigarette and spotted this little cutie on the other side of the fence:
When I first saw it (first on photos, then in person), I couldn't stop thinking: something like this can only happen in Gibraltar, where the main road to the continent crosses a runway, where stray dogs are replaced by stray monkeys, where it is cloudy on one side of the street and sunny on the other one.
Anyways, back to our little neighbour. Not long after we discovered the pig, pork recipes started circulating in the office, together with the occasional: Awwwww! Me, being most concerned about his well-being, soon figured he is a pig and since pigs are always hungry, he is hungry. He seemed to agree and eagerly ate all the bread I gave him. He left with a full tummy and a happy Oink! and I left with a new little friend. Yay!